As Congress leader Rahul Gandhi filed his nomination from Raebareli constituency in Uttar Pradesh, CPI Kerala secretary Binoy Viswam on Friday said his party will support the Gandhi scion in Raebareli.
Speaking to media persons in Palakkad, Viswam said Rahul Gandhi had fought from Wayanad Lok Sabha seat forgetting about the fact that Congress’ main rival is BJP.
The CPI leader said the lack of far sightedness of Congress leaders in Kerala made a leader of the stature of Rahul Gandhi to contest from Wayand.
“It was a political blunder from the part of the Congress. Now they have come to their senses and corrected their mistake. As they have corrected their mistake, the CPI has decided to support Rahul Gandhi in Raebareli,” he said.
“If Rahul wins both Wayanad and Raebareli, there is a possibility that he would resign from Wayanad. If it happens, it would be like betraying the voters of Wayanad,” the CPI leader added.
Meanwhile, CPI leader Annie Raja, who was one among Rahul’s rivals in Wayanad constituency, slammed the Congress leader for concealing his plan to contest from \ Raebareli from the voters of Wayanad.
“Rahul Gandhi should have shown political morality. He should have informed the people of Wayanad about his plan to contest from Raebareli. It is not acceptable that he kept this away from the people of Wayanad,” said Annie Raja.
“If there was such a plan, the Congress should have announced it before the Wayanad elections,” Annie Raja said.
The Wayanad constituency went to polls on April 26 in the second phase of the Lok Sabha elections
In this connection, BJP Kerala president K Surendran said that Rahul Gandhi has proved that he is the biggest coward in Indian politics by deciding to contest in Raebareli.
“By contesting from Raebareli, the only seat won by the Congress in UP last time, Rahul has proved that he is a coward,” Surendran said.
BJP’s allegation that Rahul Gandhi will cheat the people of Wayanad and Kerala after the second phase of polls has turned out to be correct, he added.