Kerala governor makes ‘history’ with shortest policy address

Kerala Governor Arif Mohammed Khan on Friday chose to read out only the last paragraph of the customary policy address that marked the commencement of the 10th session of the 15th legislative Assembly, making it the shortest policy address in the country’s history.

Khan is at loggerheads with the CPI-M-led Left Democratic Front (LDF) government on a wide range of issues.

Governor Khan skipped the entire 61-page long address except for the last paragraph and wound it up in just one minute and 15 seconds.

He started his speech by calling it his “honour and privilege to address this august body of representatives of the people of Kerala marking the beginning of the 10th session of the 15th Kerala Legislative Assembly”. He then declared that he was reading only the last paragraph of the policy address reading, “Let us remember that our legacy lies not in buildings or monuments, but in the respect and regard we show to the priceless legacy of the democracy, secularism, federalism, and social justice.”

“The essence of cooperative federalism is what has kept our country united and strong all these years. It is our bounden duty to ensure that this essence is not diluted. Together as part of this varied and beautiful nation, we will weave the tapestry of inclusive growth and responsible resilience, overcoming all the challenges that are thrown our way.”

With these words, the governor concluded his policy address. Following this, Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan and Speaker AN Shamseer bade farewell to the governor. They had to escort him out of the Assembly hall less than two minutes after they ushered him

The Opposition UDF later tried to raise a point of order in the House saying the governor hasn’t read the policy address. To this, the speaker advised the Opposition legislators to go through the Assembly rules and procedures.

Earlier on his arrival in the Assembly a little before 9 am, the governor was received by Chief Minister Pinarayi Vijayan, Speaker AN Shamseer, Parliamentary Affairs Minister K Radhakrishnan and Chief Secretary R Venu.     The chief minister was all smiles as he offered him a ritual welcome bouquet. The governor accepted it but without looking at the chief minister in the face.

As Khan proceeded towards the podium, Opposition MLAs were heard asking if the governor and the government had struck a ‘compromise’. The treasury benches retorted by asking what was wrong in it.

After Khan left, the booklet containing the policy address was distributed to the members. The policy address reflected the LDF Government’s grievances against the fiscal policies of the Union government and demanded an early reconsideration.  It noted that the discontinuation of GST compensation, reduction in the Revenue Deficit Grant, and restrictions imposed on ‘off-budget’ borrowings of the State by the Union exacerbated the fiscal condition of the state.”

Reacting to Governor Arif Mohammad Khan’s refusal to read out the policy announcement in full, Chief Minister Vijayan said there was no need for confrontation and it is enough to see the governor’s speech positively. According to the rules, it is sufficient to read the declaration from the beginning and the end.

Commenting on his speech, Opposition leader VD Satheesan said the governor insulted the Legislative Assembly by cutting short his policy address.