Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) spokesperson Ravi Shankar Prasad on Wednesday said “conversion” and “radicalisation” were issues of national security that were being “sacrificed at the altar of pure votebank politics” by the Left government in Kerala.
Reacting to a sting operation on religious conversions in Kerala, the Union Law Minister demanded a probe into the expose in which members of Popular Front of India (PFI), a Kerala-based fundamentalist organisation, admitted to converting girls from other religions to Islam.
“Such a serious issue of national security, conversion and radicalisation are being sacrificed at the altar of pure votebank politics in Kerala,” Prasad said.
“You have been elected to govern the state and maintaining security and safety of Kerala citizens is your primary responsibility. If that is under the threat of the PFI, they (state government) must take pro active measures,” he added.
“The CPM government in Kerala is bartering national security,” he said further.
The PFI has been accused of converting a 24-year-old Hindu woman from Kerala to Islam and getting her married to a Muslim man, Shafin Jahan.
The National Investigation Agency (NIA) in one of its report has pointed to a “pattern” involving conversion to Islam and marriages in Kerala.