Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini has condemned former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal for spreading fear among people for his political gains, calling his statement unfortunate and irresponsible. He asked former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to apologise to the people of Delhi and Haryana for his remarks.
On Wednesday, Saini visited Point No. 4 of the Yamuna River near Dahisara village on the Delhi-Haryana border, performed prayers, and drank Yamuna’s water to demonstrate its purity.
While responding to Kejriwal’s claim that the BJP government in Haryana is discharging poisoned water into the Yamuna, the Haryana CM clarified that water samples taken by the Water Authority of India did not contain any toxic substances.
The Chief Minister accused Arvind Kejriwal of engaging in deceitful politics. He said that Kejriwal failed to fulfil the promises he made to Delhi’s citizens over the last 10 years.
By falsely claiming that Yamuna’s water is toxic, Kejriwal is creating unnecessary fear and distress among people, which is highly unfortunate, said Nayab Singh Saini.
Citing the reports of the last four samples from the Pollution Control Board, Saini said that Yamuna’s water was found to be completely clean at Haryana’s border before entering Delhi. Haryana is sending clean water to Delhi, but when it returns to Haryana via Palwal and Faridabad, its condition worsens significantly.
The CM also raised concerns over Rs 8,500 crore allocated by the central government for water purification and sewage treatment in Delhi. He questioned where the money had gone, stating that Kejriwal failed to install proper treatment plants to release clean water into the Yamuna.
He further alleged that Delhi saw no development in the last 10 years, which is why streets remain waterlogged, and the sewage system is dysfunctional.
The Chief Minister recalled how 10 years ago, Kejriwal stood near the Yamuna and promised to clean the sacred river, but no action was taken. Now, the people of Delhi are eagerly waiting for the upcoming elections.
Saini said that Kejriwal must apologise for his misleading statements. He accused Kejriwal of consistently blaming Haryana either for stubble burning or for water pollution without any factual basis.
The test reports from Point No. 4 of the Yamuna River at Dahisara village show ammonia nitrogen levels Below the Detection Limit (BDL = 0.5) on January 28, 2025. The same results were recorded on January 16, 2025, December 17, 2024, and November 26, 2024.