Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini on Friday launched a strong critique of former Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal over the quality of Yamuna water, stating that no work had been done in Delhi over the past 10 years.
He accused former Delhi Chief Minister of resorting to cheap politics to cover up his failures. “For the last decade, Kejriwal has forced the people of Delhi to drink contaminated water,” he remarked.
Chief Minister, while presenting water samples from both Haryana and Delhi to the media at Yamuna Ghat in Wazirabad today, emphasized the significant difference between the two.
Directly holding the Delhi government responsible, he said, “We supply clean water to Delhi through the Yamuna, but due to mismanagement, the Delhi government is polluting it.”
He added that when the same water reaches Faridabad, its quality is significantly compromised, raising the risk of serious health issues like cancer.The Haryana Chief Minister said that the people of Delhi have recognized Arvind Kejriwal’s deceit and character, and will now reject him.
He criticized Kejriwal for failing to develop Delhi in the past 10 years and attempting to shift the blame onto Haryana to divert attention.He mentioned that he himself drank water released from Haryana into the Yamuna at Palla Ghat, contrasting it with the water released from Delhi, which is undrinkable.
Saini also pointed out that Prime Minister Narendra Modi allocated Rs 8,500 crore for cleaning drains, ponds, repairing the sewage system, and other related works, but the results have not been visible.He said that it is the Chief Minister’s responsibility to provide facilities to the public, but such facilities are not evident in Delhi.
He further criticized Kejriwal for failing to deliver on promises like improving schools and providing clean water, accusing him of resorting to deceptive politics. He said that the people of Delhi will close the “shop of lies” on February 5.