The Uttar Pradesh Police on Friday increased security outside the house of Kasganj violence’s victim Chandan Gupta after his family alleged they were being threatened to not pursue the murder case.
Chandan Gupta was killed in Kasganj communal violence on the Republic Day, an officer said.
Changdan’s father Sushil Gupta said he was sitting outside the house when some youth from the neighbourhood came and threatened him that they won’t spare him if you take the matter forward.
Gupta said he was so scared that he had decided to apply for a gun license and sought protection from the UP government. The Guptas said they were worried about the fact that men accused of killing Chandan Gupta could harm them.
The prime accused in the killing, Saleem, has been arrested and is in jail though his two brothers, also accused, Naseem and Waseem are still at large.
The accused Saleem, operates a cloth house in Kasganj
Chandan was allegedly shot dead during the communal clashes in Kasganj town after volunteers of organisations like the Vishva Hindu Parishad, Hindu Mahasabha and ABVP, during their ‘Tiranga Yatra’, clashed with members of Muslim community. This resulted in heated exchange of words and eventually escalated to firing in which Gupta lost his life
The killing triggered communal riots and the district was singed with arson and vandalism, leaving some persons injured and property gutted.
As many as 118 people have been arrested in connection with the violence.