In a groundbreaking achievement for maritime exploration, Lieutenant Commander Dilna K and Lieutenant Commander Roopa A, aboard the INSV Tarini, successfully passed through Point Nemo at 0030 hours (IST) today. The pair is currently sailing from Lyttelton, New Zealand, to Port Stanley, Falkland Islands, as part of the third leg of Navika Sagar Parikrama II.
A statement from the Naval spokesperson stated that Point Nemo, located at coordinates 48°53′S 123°24′W, is known as the Oceanic Pole of Inaccessibility—arguably the most remote point on Earth. It lies about 2,688 kilometers from the nearest landmass, making it an extraordinary landmark in the South Pacific. The point is so isolated that the closest human presence is typically the International Space Station orbiting high above. Additionally, Point Nemo has earned a unique distinction as a decommissioned spacecraft cemetery, where space agencies deliberately direct defunct satellites and space stations to re-enter the Earth’s atmosphere and crash into the ocean, ensuring minimal risk to human life.
In 1999, the Spanish research vessel Hespérides became the first ship to reach Point Nemo, and since then, very few vessels have passed through this remote area. Remarkably, INSV Tarini achieved this feat purely by sailing, without the use of motors.
The officers also took the opportunity to collect valuable water samples from the vicinity of Point Nemo. These samples will be analysed by the National Institute of Oceanography, offering important insights into the ocean’s conditions, including marine biodiversity and the chemical composition of the water. The findings will contribute to global oceanographic research.
Navika Sagar Parikrama II stands as a tribute to the unwavering spirit of India’s women naval officers, highlighting their role in advancing scientific collaboration and pushing the frontiers of oceanic exploration. The journey continues as the officers head towards their next destination, Port Stanley.