India has recorded a single day spike of 74,442 coronavirus cases, taking the country’s total tally of Covid-19 cases past the 66 lakh mark, according to Ministry of Health.
The country’s total Covid-19 case load now stands at 66,23,815 cases, with 9,34,427 active coronavirus cases. The active cases constitute around 14.11 per cent of the total cases.
In the last 24 hours, the country has recorded 76,737 recoveries the country’s total Covid-19 recoveries to 55,86,703. With a recovery rate of 84.3 per cent, India continues to occupy the first position globally in the number of Covid-19 recoveries.
India which is second worst hit nation by the pandemic, has recorded 903 fatalities in the last 24 hours taking the total deaths to 1,02,685. The fatality rate of India stands at 1.55 per cent.
Maharastra,, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka Tamil Nadu and Uttar Pradesh remain the worst affected states by the pandemic. Maharashtra has recorded 12,548 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours taking the state’s total to 14,43,409 cases and 38,084 fatalities.
Karnataka has reported 10,145 fresh coronavirus cases taking the states’s tally to 6,40,661 Covid-19 cases and 9,286 fatalities. Delhi has reported 2,683 new Covid-19 cases taking its total to 2,90,613 cases.
India has conducted a total of 9,89,860 tests, taking the total tally of Covid-19 tests conducted to 7,99,82,394.
Globally the coronavirus case tally has soared past 3.51 crore cases with the Unites States of America being the worst affected nation by the pandemic