India has reported a daily spike of 61,871 coronavirus cases, taking the country’s tally near the 75-lakh mark, according to Ministry of Health.
India’s coronavirus case tally now stands at 74,94,551, with 7,83,311 active Covid-19 cases. The active cases in the country which comprise 10.45 per cent of the total caseload.
In the last 24 hours, the country has recorded 72,614 recoveries taking the total recoveries to 65,97,209. The recovery rate now stands at 88.03 per cent.
India,which remains the second worst Covid hit nation in the world, has recorded 1033 deaths in the last 24 hours. With this the death toll now stands at 1,14,031 and fatality rate of the country stands at 1.52 per cent.
The Ministry of Health today morning said that India has ‘scaled up’ its COVID-19 testing capacity ‘from one in January to over 9.32 crore at present.’
The Ministry said, “The very high testing has resulted in the continuous falling positivity rate, which has now fallen below 8%”.
Maharashtra, Karnataka, Kerala, Tamil Nadu and West Bengal have reported the maximum cases in the last 24 hours. Maharashtra Uttarakhand, Karnataka, West Bengal and Tamil Nadu have reported the highest fatalities in the last 24 hours.
The central government has sent high-level teams of experts to Kerala, Karnataka, Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh and West Bengal amid sharp increase in daily Covid-19 cases reported in these states.
Maharastra which remains the worst affected state has reported a singe day spike of 10,259 Covid-19 cases taking the states’s total tally to 15,86,321 cases and 41,965 fatalities.
Delhi has reported 3,259 new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, taking the total to 3,27,718 cases and 5,992 fatalities.
India has conducted a total of 9,70,173 tests, taking the total tally of Covid-19 tests conducted to 9,42,24,190.