The Indian Battalion (INDBATT), serving under the United Nations Interim Security Force for Abyei (UNISFA), conducted an impactful agricultural workshop in Rumajak Village, Abyei, aimed at empowering local communities through sustainable farming practices.
The initiative engaged 71 local residents, including 37 women and 34 men, equipping them with advanced agricultural knowledge tailored to the region’s needs. Led by the Commander of the Rumajak Company Operating Base, the programme included presentations on modern farming techniques, visits to kitchen gardens, hands-on demonstrations of effective cultivation methods, and an interactive Q&A session to address community-specific concerns.
Participants praised the Indian peacekeepers for their dedication, with local leaders acknowledging their role in promoting self-reliance and resilience. The Contingent Commander emphasised the mission’s commitment to enhancing agricultural productivity and supporting food security through collaborative efforts with the community.
This initiative reflects INDBATT’s steadfast focus on fostering sustainable development and building capacity within the local population of Abyei.