India reported 2.47 lakh new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, pushing the country’s tally to 3.63 crore, which also includes 5,488 cases of Omicron Covid variant, reported across 28 states and Union territories, Union Health ministry data showed on Thursday.
The active cases comprise 3.08 per cent of the total infections, while the national Covid-19 recovery rate has come down to 95.59 per cent. An increase of 1,62,212 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours, according to the Health Ministry data updated this morning.
The daily positivity rate was recorded at 13.11 per cent while the weekly positivity rate was recorded at 10.80 per cent. The cumulative doses administered in the country so far under the nationwide vaccination drive has exceeded 154.61 crore, the ministry said.
As many as 380 people have died of Covid during the past 24-hour period, according to the Health Ministry. This includes 199 deaths in Kerala in the last few months.
Maharashtra still remains one of the worst-hit states by the Covid pandemic, 46,723 new COVID-19 cases were added in last 24 hours, up more than 27 per cent from a day ago, taking the overall tally above the 70-lakh mark. The new cases included 86 infections of the highly contagious Omicron strain, pushing their cumulative count in the state to 1,367, according to the state health department.
Delhi reported 27,561 fresh Covid cases, which is a 29 per cent rise over the cases in the last 24 hours and the most number of cases in a day since April. The positivity rate has touched 26 per cent, which is the highest in seven months.
New cases in Kerala crossed 10,000-mark for the first time after three months as the state reported 12,742 infections on Wednesday. Twenty-three virus-related deaths were also reported during the period. State Health Minister has said that the cases are primarily Delta as of now. India reported 2.47 lakh new Covid-19 cases in the last 24 hours, pushing the country’s tally to 3.63 crore, which also includes 5,488 cases of Omicron Covid variant, reported across 28 states and Union territories, Union Health ministry data showed on Thursday.
The active cases comprise 3.08 per cent of the total infections, while the national Covid-19 recovery rate has come down to 95.59 per cent. An increase of 1,62,212 cases has been recorded in the active COVID-19 caseload in a span of 24 hours, according to the Health Ministry data updated this morning.
The daily positivity rate was recorded at 13.11 per cent while the weekly positivity rate was recorded at 10.80 per cent. The cumulative doses administered in the country so far under the nationwide vaccination drive has exceeded 154.61 crore, the ministry said.
As many as 380 people have died of Covid during the past 24-hour period, according to the Health Ministry. This includes 199 deaths in Kerala in the last few months.
Maharashtra still remains one of the worst-hit states by the Covid pandemic, 46,723 new COVID-19 cases were added in last 24 hours, up more than 27 per cent from a day ago, taking the overall tally above the 70-lakh mark. The new cases included 86 infections of the highly contagious Omicron strain, pushing their cumulative count in the state to 1,367, according to the state health department.
Delhi reported 27,561 fresh Covid cases, which is a 29 per cent rise over the cases in the last 24 hours and the most number of cases in a day since April. The positivity rate has touched 26 per cent, which is the highest in seven months.
New cases in Kerala crossed 10,000-mark for the first time after three months as the state reported 12,742 infections on Wednesday. Twenty-three virus-related deaths were also reported during the period. State Health Minister has said that the cases are primarily Delta as of now.