India has strongly condemned a fake letter circulating in Bangladesh’s local media claiming that Prime Minister Narendra Modi addressed it to Chief Justice of India Ranjan Gogoi, congratulating the five-judge Supreme Court bench for “their stupendous contribution to Hindu Rashtra”.
“We strongly condemn those responsible for deliberately spreading such fake and malicious news, to divide communities, create disharmony and undermine the friendship between the people of India and Bangladesh,” said Ministry of External Affairs spokesperson Raveesh Kumar spokesperson in a tweet.
He attached a statement by the Indian High Commission in Dhaka, terming the letter as “completely fake and malicious”.
“It is intended to mislead people in Bangladesh and create social disharmony. It is most egregious, and wrong on part of those who are deliberately circulating fake and incorrect information to create misunderstanding about India in the public domain,” the statement said.
In a landmark judgement on November 9, a five-judge bench headed by Chief Justice Ranjan Gogoi ruled that the disputed 2.77-acre land will be taken over by a Government trust for the construction of the temple, while a suitable alternative plot of land measuring 5 acres at a prominent site in Ayodhya will be given to the Sunni Wakf Board.
Pronouncing a “unanimous” judgement, the Supreme Court said, “the law must stand apart over politics, religion and beliefs”.
The Ayodhya judgement weighed heavily on the Archaeological Survey of India report. Archaeological Survey of India’s credentials are beyond doubt and its findings cannot be neglected, the Chief Justice said.
Following the verdict, Prime Minister hailed the Supreme Court for having amicably resolved the issue.
PM Modi, further, in a series of tweets appealed to the citizens to “not see the verdict as anyone’s win or loss”.
“Be it Ram Bhakti or Rahim Bhakti, it is imperative that we strengthen the spirit of Rashtra Bhakti,” the Prime Minister said.
He wished for peace and harmony to prevail in the country in the aftermath of the verdict.