BJP State President Dr Rajiv Bindal on Saturday said that so far more than Rs 210 crore has been seized in the Income Tax Department raids in Jharkhand, Odisha, and West Bengal on the premises of the business group associated with Congress MP from Jharkhand Dheeraj Sahu.
He added that currently, the counting of recovered money was going on. In such a situation, the seized amount may increase further.
“This raid is estimated to be the largest amount of cash seized legally in the country. The number of seized notes was so high that even the machines called to count them broke down. The operation was kept so secret that the people involved in the raid did not know where to go. Prima facie evidence points to off-the-books sales, fraudulent purchases, and imaginary expenses. Now it will be investigated in detail,” he said.
He added that eight bank lockers belonging to Dheeraj Sahu’s business group have been found in Ranchi, which have been frozen. Imaging of digital devices is in progress. The evidence collected from digital devices and documents is being further investigated and verified. The process is expected to uncover evidence of assets and unaccounted transactions, he said.
“What was the reason that the Congress made Dheeraj Sahu, who lost the Lok Sabha elections from Chatra twice, as a Rajya Sabha MP for the third time? Dheeraj Sahu has been a Rajya Sabha MP since 2010. Congress, corruption, and cash have become synonyms of each other. Sahu is very close to Rahul Gandhi. He was also with him in the Bharat Jodo Yatra.”
He added: “Despite finding more than Rs 210 crore in cash, top Congress leaders Sonia Gandhi, Rahul Gandhi, and Mallikarjun Kharge are maintaining silence on this. Why after all? Whatever has been looted from the public, every penny will have to be returned, this is Modi’s guarantee.”
He said that on one side there is an arrogant alliance where there is a guarantee of corruption, commission taking, plunder, and brokerage, and on the other side there is the guarantee of respected Prime Minister Narendra Modi Ji who is committed to rooting out corruption.
“If a Congress MP is caught with cash worth Rs 200 crore, then how much cash will all the other Congress MPs have? According to this, the Gandhi family is the most corrupt in the world. Rahul Gandhi ji, how many such artists are there in Congress?”
“As soon as the investigating agencies do their work, all the corrupt leaders unite and start accusing the investigating agencies,” he said.