Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Lal Khattar said here on Saturday that the state government has decided to allot 33 per cent of all future ration depots to women in the state.
Interacting with the beneficiaries of self-help groups through audio conferencing, Khattar said self-help groups applying for ration depots will be given priority.
He said if a self-help group applies for contract for fish farming of panchayat land or pond, they will receive a 10 per cent discount on the auction amount. He also said that if the family income of a member of the self-help group increases by more than Rs 1.80 lakh, their ration card and Ayushman card will not be quashed for one year.
The CM said 25 per cent of the shops allotted at the bus stand through lottery or any other means would be reserved for self-help groups. In the case of auctioned shops, self-help groups will receive a 10 per cent discount on the auction amount.
Khattar announced the establishment of a call centre in the office of the Haryana State Rural Livelihood Mission to provide various types of information to beneficiaries belonging to self-help groups.
He said while there were only 812 SHGs in 2014, the number has increased to more than 57 thousand in the last eight-and-half-years.
The CM said in 2014, there were 812 self-help groups in the state. Since assuming power in 2014-15, the government has focused on the development of self-help groups, resulting in the formation of 2,100 new self-help groups in the first year. Currently, there are a total of 57,376 self-help groups in the state.