Haryana Chief Minister Nayab Singh Saini met with a Japanese delegation on Tuesday to discuss various projects being set up in the state.
The Japanese delegation included Chairman Fumio Sashida, Kazunobu Miyake, General Manager of ATL, Guan Zemin, and Sumit. Principal Secretary to the Chief Minister Arun Gupta and Adviser to the Foreign Cooperation Department Pawan Choudhary were also present during the meeting.
The Chief Minister said that a Foreign Department has been established to attract and assist foreign investors. Many major companies are interested in setting up projects in Haryana.
The government has provided robust infrastructure and connectivity, making regions like Gurugram and the NCR a hub for reputed companies looking to invest.
He emphasised that all necessary facilities for starting projects are now available under one roof, making Haryana the top choice for investors.
The Japanese delegation said that TDK, a renowned Japanese company, is setting up a huge plant in Sohna. This initiative will not only create job opportunities for the youth but will also contribute significantly to the state’s economic growth.