The Karnataka Police have lodged an FIR against state Minister for Rural Development and Panchayat Raj K S Eshwarappa for issuing provoking statements in connection with Bajrang Dal activist Harsha murder case in Shivamogga district, police said on Friday.
The Doddapete police have lodged a complaint and taken up the investigation as per the direction of the High Court in this regard. The FIR has also been lodged against Shivamogga BJP corporator Channabasappa.
The FIR was lodged on the complaint by Shivamogga resident Riyaz Ahmad.
Ahmad in his complaint stated that because of the communal incitement and statements of provocation by Minister Eshwarappa, Shivamogga city witnessed violence after the murder of Harsha. He had approached the Doddapete police station earlier with his complaint, however the police had refused to lodge his complaint
The complainant had moved to the High Court and sought directions for the police to lodge an FIR in connection with the case. The complainant claimed that Eshwarappa had targeted one community and issued inciting statements against the law.
Immediately after the murder of Harsha, Minister Eshwarappa, who represents Shivamogga city Assembly constituency for the BJP had stated that “Musalmaan goondas have killed Harsha”. He also slammed growing fundamentalism among a section of the society and expressed his solidarity during the funeral march of Harsha in the city despite the curfew orders in Shivamogga. The authorities had clamped curfew orders for seven days in Shivamogga to maintain law and order situation in the district.
The police had arrested 10 accused and booked them under the Unlawful Activities (Prevention) Act (UAPA) provisions. Chief Minister Basavaraj Bommai has stated that it was not just any murder case, but there was something beyond than what appeared before the eyes. The case now has been handed over to the National Intelligence Agency (NIA).