Ahead of the 550th birth anniversary of Guru Nanak Dev, the Delhi Police has issued a traffic advisory asking the commuters to avoid certain roads on Monday. The restricted roads falls on the route of ‘Nagar Kirtan’ procession, officials said.
Guru Nanak’s birth anniversary, Gurpurab, is on November 12 and the Nagar Kirtan procession will be taken out a day before on November 11.
The procession is set to begin at 10 am from Sishganj Gurdwara and conclude at Gurdwara Nanak Piao, Grand Trunk Karnal road at about 9 pm, they said.
In the procession, thousands of devotees, school children and bands will join-in.
The procession will pass through Kodiapul, SPM Marg, Church mission road, Khari Baoli, Lahori Gate Chowk, Qutub Road, Azad Market, Roshanara Road, Shakti Nagar Chowk and will culminate at Gurudwara Nanak Piao.
Traffic will be affected on these routes and surrounding areas due to procession.