Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath, on Saturday, said that Guru Gobind Singh Maharaj established the Khalsa Panth in 1699 as a force to protect the country and religion, adding that the Panth continues to uphold the flag of religion with pride in the world without stopping, wavering or bowing down even today.
Addressing a programme organised on the occasion of Baisakhi at the gurdwara located at Naka Hindola in Lucknow, the Chief Minister said, “The sacred festival of Baisakhi is a source of new inspiration and light, marking the foundation day of the Khalsa Panth.”
Prior to this, the CM also paid respects to the Guru Granth Sahib and extended heartfelt wishes to the Sikh brothers and sisters on Baisakhi. During the event, he was honoured with angvastra (clothes) and mementos. He also honoured other dignitaries by presenting them with angvastra and mementos, including the head sevadar of Gurdwara Najarbagh Ayodhya, Baba Mahendra Singh, Principal Ranjit Kaur of Guru Nanak Vidyalaya Chandan Nagar, Principal Nisha Tiwari of Guru Nanak Girls Inter College Bansmandi, and Principal Veerendra Singh of Khalsa Inter College.
The Chief Minister remarked: “Today is a day of new inspiration for all of us because Guru Govind Singh Maharaj established the Khalsa Panth on this very day, playing a key role in protecting the country and religion. He laid the foundation for a new path. It is a memorable day for the entire society.
“Guru Govind Singh Maharaj and Sikh gurus contributed to the protection of religion along with the country, which remains a significant source of inspiration for us today and will remain so in the future as well. On the demand of Sikh brothers and sisters, Prime Minister Narendra Modi decided to celebrate 26 December as Veer Bal Diwas. We all appreciate this. It’s a new inspiration for our youth, who will contribute to the country and religion, and society will be respectful towards them,” Yogi added.
He further reminded people of the cost of the partition of India, highlighting the significant difficulties people faced in visiting Kartarpur Sahib, the sacred site of Guru Nanak Dev. He added that Prime Minister Narendra Modi constructed the corridor to connect people with their past and express respect for the guru tradition. He said that the country will continue to progress in this manner. The CM emphasised that the country will always remain grateful to the Sikh gurus for their contributions and sacrifices.
Highlighting the relevance of Lucknow regarding the memories of Sikh gurus, the Chief Minister mentioned that Guru Tegh Bahadur Maharaj came to Lucknow and spent some days here. The CM said following the guru tradition and adhering to its teachings ensures success.
“Therefore, while adhering to the principles of the guru tradition, it is essential to always work towards fulfilling the objectives of the Khalsa Panth,” Yogi added.