Gujarat Chief Minister Vijay Rupani on Monday filed his nominations from the Rajkot (West) Assembly seat where he will be challenged by Congress’ candidate Indraneil Rajyaguru, who is otherwise the sitting MLA from Rajkot (East). Rajyaguru, with total assets of around Rs 122 crores, is also the richest MLA in Gujarat.
Rupani filed the nomination at 12:39 pm, which as per the auspicious time was the ‘Vijay Muhurat’. Rupani reached the collector’s office following a massive procession, which was taken out at 10:30 am. For Rupani, the day started with a visit to temples and blessings from saints for a successful electoral result.
Also Read: Gujarat Elections 2017: Gohil, Modhwadia in Congress’ first list
Rupani is a sitting MLA from Rajkot (West) from where he had won the by-election in 2014 after being appointed as the Chief Minister. The Prime Minister had contested from the same seat in 2001 after he was appointed as the Gujarat Chief Minister for the first time.
Meanwhile, CM Vijay Rupani on Sunday had met the grand old man of Gujarat politics — Keshubhai Patel, the 89-years-old ex-chief minister, to seek his blessings before filing his nomination papers. The now sidelined Patidar leader’s name was mentioned by Patidar Anamat Andolan Samiti (PAAS) leader Hardik Patel in his speech, quoting him to be the forgotten and isolated community leader by the BJP. Meeting Keshubhai could just be a way to console the hurt Patidar community who is all out against the BJP to soothe their damaged pride.
After meeting Keshubahi, Rupani told reporters, “He (Keshubhai) has spent his entire life, dedicating it to the party. So, I had come to seek his blessings before leaving for Rajkot to file my nomination form. I feel blessed.”
He later tweeted, “Visited Shri Keshubhai Patel and took his blessings. Felt nostalgic while reminiscing BJP’s initial days in Gujarat with the octogenarian leader.”
The day will also see a rally being held in Rajkot by the Patidar firebrand leader Hardik Patel.
BJP also released its third list of 28 candidates which has names of some prominent BJP leaders, including Assembly Speaker Raman Vora (sitting MLA from Akota) who will now be fighting from the Scheduled Caste (SC) seat of Dasada and ex-cabinet minister Saurabh Patel, who will fight from his current seat of Botad.