Gangtok on edge after crime incidents

At least two incidents of crime have left Sikkim’s capital Gangtok on edge.

While the body of a 12-year- old girl, a student wearing her school uniform, was found in the Pangthang jungle near Gangtok, a 51-year-old man was beaten to death on 10 April 10 at a Development Area in the capital.

The Gangtok Sadar Police recovered the girl’s body, sent it for post-mortem and has reg- istered a case, it is learnt.

“Investigations into the case have started,” Gangtok Super- intendent of Police Tenzing Loden Lepcha told local media.

According to reports, a villager who had gone to the jun- gles to collect fodder for his cattle first sighted the body of the girl yesterday. It is learnt that the man immediately got back to his village and informed people of the body.

Hamro Sikkim Party (HSP) President Bhaichung Bhutia accused sthte ate government of failing to maintain law and order in the state. “It is because of this, crime against minors and other people has gone up,” he said.

In another case that has sent shivers down the spine of Gangtok residents, the 51- year-old man (name with- held on family request) was beaten to death on 10 April. Police have arrested a man Tsheten Bhutia of Darjeeling, presently residing in Gangtok, on charges of murder, police said.

According to sources, police received a call from the hospital at around 10:50 pm that day, stating that one “uniden- tified patient” was brought to the hospital by one Tsheten Bhutia, who said he had found him in an unconscious state at the Development Area.

“The patient was declared brought-dead by the Medical Officer. During investi- gations, an inquest over the dead body was conducted, and then it was forwarded to the STNM Hospital,” a police source said.