Hormonal treatment can improve transgenders’ sex assignment if followed continuously for a couple of years if the prominent endocrinologists are to be believed.
Hormonal treatment is an integral part of optimal transgender care and sex assignment. Now, it is possible to maintain a long-term impact of treatment on either male or female sex in transgender population too.
As per the 2011 Indian Census, the total count of transgender people in the country was about 4.88 lakh. Transgender is an individual where gender identity differs from the sex assigned at birth. Gender identity may not match one’s sexual identity, which is assigned at birth.
Awareness about the treatment among transgender is quite common with the newer research and development. Sex reversal treatment, especially among transgender is getting popular and easy.
This is possible in the country to affirm their sex assignment either with the hormonal treatment or surgery, experts who participated in the 51st Annual Conference of Endocrine Society of India (ESICON) from December 22-24 said.
According to Dr Mahua Ghosh, a senior endocrinologist from Canada, hormonal treatment is prescribed under supervision of endocrinologists to some of these people who wish to transition into their affirmed gender that differ from their sex assigned at birth.
In India, this field is evolving and clinicians need to be sensitized to the needs of these people, Ghosh said. Other experts say the transgender people can have psychiatric issues, long term hormonal treatment—estrogen for feminization (female) and testosterone for androgenization (male) and may be associated with risks. Hence, such treatments should be taken under strict guidance of the experts.
The effects of environmental pollution on hormonal changes are another big topic taken at ESICON, in which Dr M V Murleedharan took up his lecture for open debate. According to the specialists, certain chemicals, which are found in products, in day to day life, may mimic or interfere with the body’s hormonal functions. These are known as Endocrine disruptors and these chemicals are linked with developmental, reproductive, brain, immune, and other problems. There are many other such chemicals which may be linked with many hormonal disorders like diabetes, obesity, thyroid, infertility, pubertal problems etc.
These disruptors are found in many everyday products, including some plastic bottles and containers, liners of metal food cans, detergents, flame retardants, food, toys, cosmetics, and pesticides.
To name a few – Bisphenol A(BPA) is found in plastic products like food storage containers and epoxy resins. The other common endocrine disruptor is Dioxin, a byproduct in herbicide production and paper bleaching, released into the environment during waste burning and wildfires.
Dr Sailesh Lodha, Scientific Chairman and senior endocrinologist at EHCH here, said a major session was devoted on whether to use Continuous Glucose Monitor (CGM) in diabetic patients. Issues related to CGM, how does a CGM work, who can use a CGM, what are its benefits & limits, and what are artificial pancreas were debated, Dr Lodha said.
By installing CGM, one can see his or her glucose level anytime at glance, review how the glucose changes over a few hours or day. Seeing glucose levels in real time can help to make more informed decisions throughout the day about how to blance your own food, physical activity and medicines.
Rajasthan Governor, Kalraj Mishra, opened the conference. Senior faculties from the USA, Japan, UK, Canada, and the guest faculty were invited from Sri Lanka, Nepal and Bangladesh, Dr Praksah Keswani, Chairman of Organising Committee said, adding about 250 lectures, four workshops were held. Dr Sanjay Saran, Organising Secretary, said new fields of Diabetic Foot, Osteoporosis, Insulin Pump, and Continuous Glucose Meter (CGM) also found specific mentions in the deliberations in the 3 days event.