Himachal Pradesh Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu said that the exercise for revision of the list of BPL families will commence in the state from April, 2025. He stated this here on Monday while presiding over a review meeting of Rural Development and Panchayati Raj department here today.
He directed the officers that it should be ensured that only genuine families appear in the BPL list and to formulate a new criteria in this regard. Sukhu instructed the department to formulate this criterion before January 5 followed by the approval of the Cabinet.The new guidelines will be shared with the general public in the Gram Sabha scheduled in January, he added.
The CM directed to constitute a two- members Committee at the Sub Divisional level comprising the SDM and BDO to verify the lists of BPL families recommended by the Gram Sabha to ensure transparency. He emphasized on a robust mechanism to identify the deserving BPL families so that they are not deprived of the benefits being extended to such families.
Sukhu also said that the state government is considering revision of the annual income for selecting BPL families.The Chief Minister said that any objections against the final BPL families lists can be submitted to the respective Deputy Commissioner and Divisional Commissioner, who will have the authority to review and address these grievances.
“A comprehensive website would also be launched for showcasing and home delivery of various products prepared by Women Self Help Groups thereby strengthening the economy of the womenfolk,” said the Chief Minister.