The Gujarat Police have arrested eight Bangladeshis who had illegally entered India and were working at a garment factory in Himatnagar, 80 kilometres north-east from here.
Barely a fortnight ago, state police apprehended five Bangladeshis who were allegedly planning terrorist strikes in the city on the eve of Rath Yatra.
A raid was conducted by the Special Operation Group (SOG) on a factory in Himatnagar following a tip-off that Bangladeshi nationals were illegally staying and working as labourers in the garment manufacturing unit.
The SOG raid at Pooja Fashions, which manufactures T-shirts, revealed that eight labourers there had no Aadhar cards. A detailed investigation confirmed that they were Bangladeshi nationals who entered India illegally.
The police have started the process of deporting the illegal immigrants to Bangladesh. Action has also been initiated against the owner of the T-shirt factory for employing foreign nationals without verifying their credentials.
Border Security Force (BSF) jawans routinely intercept Bangladeshis trying to infiltrate into India, yet some manage to sneak in often travel to various states in search of livelihood.
In Ahmedabad city alone, there were many instances of Bangladeshis being caught from areas near the Chandola lake where they catch fish for sale in the local markets.
Most of these arrested Bangladeshis have been jailed or deported to Bangladesh.