After the Delhi High Court summoned Jacqueline Fernandez on September 26 in an alleged Rs 200-crore money laundering case involving conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar, the Delhi Police’s Economic Offences Wing (EOW) has called her for questioning on September 12.
Conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar has been accused of extorting Rs 200 crore, while he was lodged in the Tihar Jail. It was claimed in the inquiry that Jacqueline Fernandez was also involved in the matter.
The Enforcement Directorate (ED) recently filed a supplementary charge sheet against actress Fernandez in the same case, in which she has been made an accused along with Sukesh.
The conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar was arrested by the Delhi Police for allegedly extorting more than Rs 200 crore from Aditi Singh and Shivinder Singh, former promoters of pharmaceutical company Ranbaxy.
In the case, the ED has so far arrested eight people including Sukesh Chandrashekhar, his wife Leena Maria Paul and Pinky Irani. The ED has also filed two charge sheets in the matter in the Delhi High Court.
According to sources, during the initial enquiry, it was found that Jacqueline Fernandez benefited from the money which was reportedly extorted. It has also been claimed by the central probing agency that she was aware of conman Sukesh Chandrashekhar and also had clues that he was an extortionist.
According to sources, the ED has probed the matter to length. After a layer investigation and interrogations with key witnesses, the central agency has reached the conclusion that Sukesh Chandrashekhar was in touch with Jacqueline through video calls even from Tihar.
Earlier, Chandrashekhar confessed that he had given costly gifts to Jacqueline Fernandez and her family members worth crores of rupees.