Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal holds review meeting to expedite allocation of flats under ‘Jahan Jhuggi Wahin Makan’ scheme

Arvind Kejriwal (PTI image)

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal held a review meeting on Thursday on the progress of the flats being constructed under the ‘Jahan Jhuggi, Wahin Makan’ scheme for families living in slums. Health Minister Satyendra Jain and senior officials of Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) and Delhi State Industrial and Infrastructure Development Corporation Ltd (DSIIDC) were present in the review meeting.

Under the scheme, 52,344 flats are being built in the first phase by the Delhi Urban Shelter Improvement Board (DUSIB) and DSIIDC.

Kejriwal directed the officials to expedite the allocation of flats prepared under the scheme in an attempt to shift families to their new homes. He further discussed in detail the flats under construction and the allotted flats under the scheme.

DUSIB officials informed the CM that construction of 18,084 flats was underway. Officials in the meeting informed that 34,260 flats are being built by DSIIDC. Of this, 17,660 flats are ready, while 16,600 flats are under construction. Apart from this, the officials informed that 4833 flats have been allotted to the homeless families living in slums, while the process of allocation of 7031 flats is underway and will be completed soon.

89,400 flats are to be built in three phases for the homeless families living in slums under the ‘Jahan Jhuggi, Wahin Makan’ scheme. These flats will be built on 237 acres of land in various areas of Delhi. The Delhi government is building 52,344 flats in the first phase. They are set to be completed and allotted by 2022.

n the second phase about 18,000 flats are to be built. The remaining flats are to be built in the third phase on the land that will be vacant after shifting homeless families to the flats built in the first two phases. The target is to complete the three phases by 2025.

Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal holds review meeting to expedite allocation of flats under ‘Jahan Jhuggi Wahin Makan’ scheme