The Indian National Lok Dal (INLD) on Sunday held Haryana Chief Minister Manohar Khattar responsible for the brutal killing of its state unit chief Nafe Singh Rathee and demanded a thorough probe by the Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI).
Speaking to reporters outside the Jhajjar hospital where Rathee was taken after the attack, INLD secretary general Abhay Chautala said, “The incident that has taken place today (death of party chief Nafe Singh Rathee), for this the state government is responsible. They are responsible because, six months ago, Nafe Singh told me, the police informed him that his life was in danger and he could be attacked anytime… He (Nafe Singh Rathee) wrote to the SP, CM, and DG that they must investigate this and provide him with security… Ex-MLAs also informed the CM, but no security was provided to him…”
Chautala claimed that the Khattar government has provided security to several people who themselves are accused in several criminal cases but those who actually needed it were not given the police protection.
“Those who need the security are not getting it, instead, those who are accused in several cases are getting it… So I clearly hold the CM responsible for this incident… If someone is giving in writing that his life is under threat, then the CM should have conducted an investigation and provided him with security…,” he said.
Demanding the CBI inquiry into the incident, Chautala further said that the Khattar government is trying to save itself by pinning the blame of Rathee’s killing on the Lawrence Bishnoi gang.
“We will demand that a CBI investigation should be done into this and the accused should be punished…The party will take strict action on this and force the government to conduct a CBI investigation into this… The government is trying to save itself by taking the name of the Lawrance gang, but if they are saying so then why they didn’t provide any security…,” the INLD leader added.