The Opposition Congress on Tuesday countered the BJP’s ‘Modi ka Parivar’ campaign launched after RJD supremo Lalu Yadav’s remarks, and asked if sexual-violence accused MP Brij Bushan Sharan Singh and loan defaulter Vijay Mallya were also part of the prime minister’s family.
“Were not Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, Pawan Singh, Nirav Modi, and Vijay Mallya also Modi ka parivar?” asked Congress leader Pawan Khera.
Earlier on Sunday, RJD supremo Lalu Yadav had attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi and said that he was not a real Hindu since he didn’t sacrifice his hairs when her mother died.
The RJD chief also countered Modi’s “Parivarwaad” attack on Opposition and said that “what can we do if Modi doesn’t have any family”.
The BJP siezed the moment and launched a mega ‘Modi ka Parivar’ campaign on social media. BJP leaders, including Union ministers, and party supporters added ‘Modi ka Parivar’ suffix to their profile name on social media platform ‘X’.
From Union Home Minister Amit Shah to all the BJP spokespersons, everyone added ‘Modi ka Parivar’ suffix and attacked the Opposition for using “abusive language” against the PM.
The Prime Minister himself responded strongly and said that 140 crore Indians were his family.
“Today, crores of daughters, mothers and sisters of the country are Modi’s family. Every poor person in the country is my family. Those who have no one, they also belong to Modi and Modi belongs to them. My India-My family, with the expansion of these feelings, I am living for you, fighting for you and will continue to fight for you, to fulfill my dreams with determination,” he said while addressing a gathering in Telangana on Monday.
Taking a jibe at Lalu Yadav, Modi further added, “Tomorrow they can also say that you have never been sentenced to jail, hence you cannot enter politics.”