Leader of Opposition in Delhi Assembly Vijender Gupta on Tuesday said the BJP will corner the Aam Aadmi Party (AAP) government on issues of public interest in the upcoming session of the Assembly, which is scheduled to begin from 29th November.
Informing about the Delhi BJP legislative party meeting convened by him, he said the legislators decided to adopt an aggressive stance in the session, demanding answers from the AAP on pressing issues, including the Rohingya immigrants.
“Pressure will be exerted on the government to table 12 CAG reports in the House to provide the public with information about the expenditures made by the government. Also, answers will be sought on numerous issues including severe pollution in Delhi crossing hazardous levels of 400, wastage of crores of public money on the construction and decoration of the former Chief Minister’s lavish ‘Sheesh Mahal,’” he said.
He added issues like Yamuna river pollution, the failure of 1.5 lakh students in grades 9 and 11 in government schools, Delhi Jal Board’s Rs 73,000 crore debt, financial irregularities in the construction of 24 hospitals, alleged massive corruption in educational institutions like DSEU, non-funding of 12 colleges under Delhi University, frequent road accidents due to poor road conditions, crumbling public transport systems, and overflowing sewers will also be raised to hold the government accountable.
The Leader of the Opposition said that this government has failed on every front.
“Its sole purpose seems to be filling its own pockets through corruption. Be it the health or education sector, the government has indulged in widespread corruption in all its projects. It has no concern for the hardships faced by citizens,” Gupta said.