BJP MLA Suresh Dhas on Saturday created a stir by showing photographs of Maharashtra Food & Civil Supplies Minister Dhananjay Munde posing with drug smugglers at a public rally held in Dharashiv on Saturday, to seek justice for murdered Massajog village sarpanch Santosh Deshmukh and the alleged police custodial murder of Dalit activist Somnath Suryavanshi.
Incidentally, Deputy Ajit Pawar-led NCP MLC Amol Mitkari had recently threatened to expose crimes in which BJP MLA Suresh Dhas was allegedly involved, in retaliation against Dhas attacking food and civil supplies minister Dhananjay Munde relentlessly, despite being told not to do so.
During his speech at the public rally, BJP MLA Suresh Dhas displayed a newspaper clipping saying that it is a news report published eight months ago about an anti-narcotics operation in Gujarat, against narcotic drugs smuggled into India from Pakistan.
Supposedly, the news published was that the police had seized narcotic drugs worth Rs 890 crore in Gujarat and arrested five people, including three from Maharashtra.
Allegedly, a total of 5 smugglers, including three from Maharashtra, were arrested in this case.
The Indian Coast Guard had arrested Mangesh Tukaram Arote alias Sahu, Haridas Kulal alias Puri along with a boat, while the Gujarat Anti-Terrorist Squad (ATS) had arrested Kailash Sanap, Datta Andhale and Ali Asgar alias Arif Bidana. All five were allegedly in touch with a Pakistan-based narcotic drug mafia.
Referring to this news report, BJP MLA Dhas said, “Who are Kailash Sanap and Datta Andhale, who were arrested for this drug smuggling operation? These two have been arrested for drug smuggling. Who have they posed with in this photograph? They have posed with Dhananjay Munde. Look at this photo which is being
shared on WhatsApp. It is time to make disclosures. They are threatening Anjali Damania. I have also received a threatening message,’ Dhas claimed, creating
a stir.
The news item which Dhas displayed at the public rally is about a consignment of hashish which was being smuggled from the Pasni port of Pakistan and to India. On the intervening night of April 22-23 2024, an Indian fishing boat was hired for this purpose. On April 27-28 2024, the boat came from Pasni port in Pakistan to the Gujarat coast, but the Indian Coast Guard intercepted the boat in mid-sea near Porbandar and seized 173 kg of hashish worth Rs 60 crore from the boat.