Chhattisgarh Chief Minister Bhupesh Baghel has been acknowledged as the best performing Chief Minister in the country, as per the IANS-C Voter governance index.
The Chief Minister has received the highest popularity rating among CMs of states. The index report attributed Baghel’s popularity to a number of welfare schemes introduced by the state government. Recent schemes such as Mahatari Dular Yojana under which the government will be providing free education to children studying in private schools, who lost their guardian/parents to Covid-19, was been lauded with the government announcing that it will bear the entire expenses of their education.
The report says that the chief minister is popular among the masses because of his decision-making ability, welfare schemes, and his style working of working as a CEO. 94 percent of people of Chhattisgarh were happy with Bhupesh Baghel’s performance, the report said.