Baba Ramdev cries foul at CSD test on Amla juice

Baba Ramdev conducting Yoga camp in Haridwar on Tuesday (PHOTO: SNS)

Baba Ramdev has cried foul at the move by Canteen Stores Department (CSD), the retailing platform for India's defence forces, to suspend the sale of Patanjali Ayurved's Amla juice. CSD decided to put a ban on this product after receiving a negative report from state-laboratory test. Ramdev termed the test wrong by claiming that CSD conducted food test of an Ayurvedic medicine which was wrong. 

Yoga Guru Baba Ramdev claimed, “Amla Juice is Ayurvedic prop medicine under license from Ayush Department of the Uttarakhand government. It's wrong to lab test it as food.”

According to reports CSD conducted the test at Central Food Laboratory in Kolkata and the reports found the product unsuitable for consumption. Patanjali Yogpeeth issued a clarification on the controversy.

Terming it an Ayurvedic medicine preparation, to be taken under medical advice or recommendation given by doctor, Patanjali asserted that the Amla Swaras should not be considered a food product. 

The Patanjali Amla Swaras is considered beneficial in digestive disorder, diabetics and skin problems.  Baba Ramdev claimed that the Amla Swaras is prepared following guidelines of Indian Materia Medica, knowledge about plant and process of making juice and dried powder from herbs, etc. 

The CSD decision took Baba Ramdev by surprise. After remaining silent for one day, the Patanjali Yogpeeth issued a press release terming the controversy misleading. 

Baba Ramdev said, “The Patanjali Amla Swaras should be tested under the guidelines issued by the Ayush Department, not as a food product. We conduct test of Patanjali Amla Swaras in our laboratory and dispatch the product in the market only after it passes all the  tests for Ayurvedic products prescribed by government and private labs.” 

The Canteen Store Department in its letter dated 3 April, 2017, asked all depots to prepare stock detail of Amla Swaras, so that the product can be returned.