Delhi Vigilance Minister Atishi has initiated an inquiry into an allegation of corruption against Chief Secretary Naresh Kumar’s son in connection with land acquisition on Dwarka Expressway, sources said.
The minister was acting on a complaint forwarded by Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to the vigilance minister on Friday.
According to sources, Atishi wrote to the Director of Vigilance and Divisional Commissioner regarding the alleged corruption involving Naresh Kumar and has asked him to submit all files regarding the land acquisition in Bamnoli Village for the said expressway project Saturday evening.
The vigilance minister further directed both departments that no files regarding this issue of alleged corruption are to be passed through the Chief Secretary since he’s the subject of enquiry, the sources added.
The CM sent the complaint to the minister asking for a thorough enquiry into the matter.
Initially, the complaint was made to the CM with regard to allegations of irregularities in land acquisition on the Dwarka Expressway. Bamnoli is a village that falls under Delhi’s South West district’s Kapashehra sub- division.