The Assam Pradesh Congress Committee has demanded that the state police should take a strong action against people involved in corruption in cash-for-job scams leading to the suicide of female BJP leader Indrani Tahbildar.
The Assam unit of the party also alleged that BJP and the state government are indifferent to the safety and dignity of women in Assam.
In a letter to the Commissioner of Police, the party pointed out that the unholy nexus in the Assam government, which is now in public domain, has exposed the rampant corruption prevalent within the ruling BJP. It also exposed the vulnerability of women in Assam.
The party cited photos leaked on social media, the circumstances that led to the suicide of Indrani Tahbildar and the phone calls to bring to the notice of the police about the threat posed by the social media which has been used to compel a person to take the extreme step.
In the letter, the party urged the Assam Police to arrest the corrupt and reassure the people of the state that no corrupt person will be able to escape.
On the other hand, Diban Deka, another accused in the death of the BJP Kisan Morcha leader surrendered before the police on August 18. Diban Deka is accused of leaking the pictures of Indrani Tahbildar that eventually led to her suicide.