Agriculture and allied sectors in Odisha are estimated to grow at 3.3 per cent in 2024-25 which is similar to all India level growth rate, according to the latest report of the Odisha Economic Survey (OES).
Within, agriculture, livestock and fisheries are expected to register robust growth reflecting their growing importance in driving agriculture growth. Livestock sector is projected to grow by 6.2 per cent, while fisheries and forestry are each expected to expand by 6.7 per cent in 2024-25, according to the latest report of the Odisha Economic Survey.
Agriculture remains a key constituent of Odisha economy, supporting over 60 per cent of population in livelihood generation and employing 49 per cent of the workforce, the report said.
The sector contributes around 18.9 per cent to state gross value added (GVA) in 2024-25. The sector is estimated to grow at 3.3 per cent in 2024-25 which is similar to all India level growth rate, it pointed out.
Within, agriculture, livestock and fisheries are expected to register robust growth reflecting their growing importance in driving agriculture growth.
Livestock sector is projected to grow by 6.2 per cent, while fisheries and forestry are each expected to expand by 6.7 per cent in 2024-25. These figures emphasize the need for prioritizing fisheries and livestock to drive agriculture growth rate in the State.
Agriculture and allied sectors have seen notable structural changes in recent years with the contribution of livestock and fisheries to agriculture GVA have been increasing as reflected by their robust growth rates.
The government has taken several measures such as giving input subsidy of INR 800 per quintal for paddy above MSP of Rs 2,300, direct cash transfer for purchase of inputs, crop diversification, dedicated mission for cash crops, comprehensive rice fallow management and infrastructure development to boost agriculture growth and increase farmersʼ income.
Additionally, government has launched comprehensive measures in livestock and fisheries like implementing Mukhyamantri Kamdhenu Yojana (MKY) and Mukhyamantri Maschyajibi Kalyan Yojana (MMKY) to give boost to livestock and fisheries sector and diversify farmersʼ income.
These strategic initiatives are designed not only to enhance productivity and sustainability but also to ensure the long-term socio-economic development of the sector.
Access to an improved market remains a major concern for farmers in Odisha given small holding and low marketable surplus.
The Government has undertaken several measures in strengthening marketing infrastructure, including modernizing mandis, developing cold storages and promoting exports.
The Government’s decision to establish a cold storage at each sub-division will empower farmers to store their produce securely and sell it when market conditions are most favorable, thereby reducing distress sell.
The formation of Farmer Producer Organizations (FPO) has been a critical strategy to improve market access, ensure collective bargaining, and enable farmers to benefit from economies of scale. Government has inked several MoUs with exporters to boost agricultural and horticulture exports.
To modernize and diversify agriculture, the state is actively promoting crop diversification, encouraging farmers to shift to high-value crops like pulses, oilseeds, and horticultural products.
The government is also fostering climate-resilient farming practices including millets under Shree Anna Abhiyan, conserving traditional seed varieties and promoting organic agriculture to mitigate the adverse impacts of climate change and ensure sustainable productivity, the OES maintained.