Uttar Pradesh chief minister Yogi Adityanath, on Wednesday, announced several agricultural sops for the state including an agri mall in Lucknow, labs at all divisional headquarters to test natural and organic items and a tissue cultural laboratory in Ayodhya.
Yogi Adityanath made the announcement at the 166th meeting of the Board of Directors of the State Agricultural Produce Market Council here.
Speaking on the occasion, he said the efforts being made by the State Agricultural Produce Market Council in keeping with the interests of the farmers are commendable.
“Mandis have made a good contribution to revenue even after minimising the mandi fee. In the current financial year, from April to November, the Mandi Parishad has earned more than Rs 972 crore, which shows a good progress in relation to the previous financial years. We should work to achieve a target of Rs 1500 crore revenue collection this financial year,” he said.
He said several policy initiatives are being taken by the state government to promote agriculture and food processing. Planned work is also being done to encourage natural farming.
“It is necessary to establish an agri mall in the capital Lucknow so that the farmers could get a fair price for their produce, branding of the product and proper market. Here farmers will be able to sell their fruits and vegetables directly. Good quality fruits, vegetables and food grains will be available to the consumers. There should be facilities for the rest of the farmers in the mall.
He further said that About 8,000 square metres of land available in Vikalp section of Gomtinagar would be appropriate for setting up a seven-storey modern Agro Mall. There should be proper arrangements for parking the vehicles of farmers/buyers in the mall.
The CM informed that the use of tissue culture techniques in agriculture yielded good results. To encourage this technique in the state, a tissue culture laboratory should be established to promote banana cultivation in Ayodhya. A detailed proposal should be prepared and presented in this regard, he instructed officials.
He said necessary amendments should be made in the Mandi Rules for obtaining licence for e-auction of agricultural produce or for digital platform service provider. The participation of the private sector will give a new option to the farmers, as well as increase the income of the Mandi Parishad.
The CM said state government is making planned efforts to encourage natural farming. Testing labs should be set up at all divisional headquarters for verification of organic and natural products as per international standards. Testing labs should be set up at Krishi Vigyan Kendras in a phased manner. This work should be completed with top priority.