Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Tuesday that his government would “expedite” action against the corrupt after the Lok Sabha election results on 4th June, and he won’t allow Congress, the JMM and the RJD to succeed in their campaign of “hatred” against him to “loot” rights of the poor.
Addressing a BJP election rally in Dumka, Jharkhand, the prime minster said while his government in the last 10 years took several welfare steps for the poor and deprived sections, Congress and the JMM have been indulging in corruption unscrupulously.
He said, “The JMM and Congress are looting the people in every way. There are beautiful mountains in Jharkhand, but the State is in news not for these mountains, but for the mountains of cash. I had never seen such huge mountains of notes. These mountains crossed Rs 19 crore, more than Rs 35 crore and Rs 300 crore in different incidents.”
The prime minister said the unaccounted money was seized from the JMM and the Congress. He said the collections were the output of the liquor scam, scams of tenders of crores of Rupees and mining and minerals scams.
He said just in Sahibganj, a scam of Rs 1,000 crore in mining has come to light. Just to appropriate land, these people changed names of their parents, he said. Now land of the poor and tribals are being looted. They even looted the Army of its land. “It is time, you get Jharkhand freed of such people,” he said.
He told the rally that the JMM looted ration “from your plate”. The Jal Jeevan Mission was started to provide water to people, but they found ways to do corruption in this scheme also. “I send free ration for you from Delhi; it reaches black to market instead of reaching you,” he said.
A truckload of food was seized but there was hardly any action, files were closed, he said. “Everybody knows JMM is involved. Modi will not allow anyone to steal food and water for the poor,” he said.
They don’t understand Modi will not allow their negative propaganda of hatred to succeed, he said. Modi will not allow them to undo reservation for the SCs, STs, OBCs, this is Modi’s guarantee, he said.
The prime minister said soon after the Lok Sabha election result on 4th June, action would be expedited against the corrupt, this is Modi’s guarantee.
The BJP is devoted to Dalit, Vanchit and adivasis, serves them with a sense of service, maximum possible, he said. For adivasi welfare, the budget was increased more than four times. In tribal areas, construction has been started of more than 400 boarding Eklavya schools.
“What has the Congress done, it only opposed BJP schemes, did not allow tribal history to come out. The INDI alliance opposed Mrs Droupadi Murmu’s election as President of the country. For it, its vote bank is supreme, it does not care for tribal welfare,” the Prime Minister said.
“Wherever it came to power, tribal society and culture was in danger. Its weapons against the tribals are naxalism, infiltration and appeasement. As long as the Congress was in power, naxalism flourished. Lives of children were lost. The tribal families suffered the most,” he said.
The INDI alliance gives reservation to Muslims on the basis of religion, he said. “Modi says he will protect reservation given to SCs, STs and OBCs by the Constitution. I tell the INDI alliance that they cannot transfer their reservation rights to the Muslims on the basis of religion. When I expose their communal mask, anti-tribal and anti-Dalit activities, they cannot sleep,” he said.
“They say Modi is doing Hindu-Muslim. They think they can spoil Modi’s image by charging him with Hindu-Muslim, they don’t know if they throw mud at Modi, it will only blossom lotuses (BJP’s election symbol). They don’t understand Modi will not allow their negative propaganda of hatred to succeed. Modi will not allow them to undo reservation for the SCs, STs, OBCs, this is Modi’s guarantee,” he said.
Mr Modi said, “I asked them they should give it in writing they will not loot the existing reservation beneficiaries’ share and give it to the Muslims; they will not change the Constitution for this; and they will not implement the Karnataka formula in other parts of the country. They don’t respond, why they are silent,” he said.