Condemning the detention of AAP’s Rajya Sabha MP Swati Maliwal, Singh said Maliwal had staged a protest at the residence of former Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal to highlight the ongoing garbage problem in Delhi and urge the AAP government to take action. Stopping her from doing so is a shameful act, he remarked.
AAP rose to power in the civic house by promising to provide respite to residents from the mountains of garbage. However, the situation today is so dire that heaps of garbage are visible wherever one looks, he added.
Singh said that the party opens its “store of false promises” during election times to mislead the public and secure their votes. However, this time, the people of Delhi are determined to teach the party a lesson, and this has left the party rattled.
Moreover, he urged voters to give the saffron party a chance in the national capital, promising that it will address and rectify the ongoing civic issues soon after coming to power.