4 terrorists killed at LoC, arms, narcotics recovered

Cache of arms, ammunition and also narcotics were recovered

Four  heavily armed infiltrating terrorists were on Friday shot dead by the Army along the Line of Control (LoC) in North Kashmir’s Machhal sector and a cache of arms, ammunition and also narcotics were recovered from them.
A Srinagar based defence spokesman said that nine AK series rifles, three pistols, four grenades, two hundred eighty-eight AK and pistol rounds, fifty-five narco packets and other huge quantities of war like stores were recovered.
He said that during the intervening night of 22-23 June, alert troops of Indian Army detected suspicious movement in general area Kala Jungle along the Line of Control in Machhal Sector. Ambushes were sited and tracking of the terrorist movement was carried out during the night.
At around 0430 hours four terrorists were observed crossing the line of control from Pakistan. They were engaged upon coming in effective range by the Ambush parties. Intense firefight ensued resulting in elimination of all four terrorists without any harm to their own troops.
The recovery of large amounts of war like stores including substantial narcotics material to be used for terror funding indicates the vicious plan of Pakistan by utilising the terrorists to derail the existing peace in Kashmir Valley.This successful operation is a big blow to the narco funding and terror plans of the terrorists. Extensive search of the area being carried out, he added.