Tragedy struck the Agniveer recruitment rally in Raigarh when 20-year-old Manoj Kumar Sahu from Raipur district collapsed and died after completing the 1600-metrE run. Despite immediate medical attention, Manoj succumbed to his condition due to severe breathing difficulties and critically low oxygen saturation levels.
A medical team from the district health department, present at the stadium, promptly examined him. Initial findings revealed severe breathing difficulties, and his SPO2 (oxygen saturation) levels were critically low. Despite being conscious, he was disoriented. The team administered oxygen and provided first aid before transferring him by ambulance to the Raigarh District Hospital.
On arrival, Manoj was intubated and stabilised before being referred to the Raigarh Medical College for advanced treatment. However, despite the efforts of the specialist team, he succumbed to his condition at 11:35 pm the same day.
According to statements from his family and medical examination findings, Manoj was suffering from sickle cell disease, a condition that may have been exacerbated by the physical exertion during the recruitment process.
A post-mortem was conducted on the morning of December 10 in the presence of his family by a team of medical specialists at Raigarh Medical College. The body was subsequently handed over to the family, and arrangements were made to transport it to his native village in Abhanpur with the assistance of the local Tehsildar and Janpad CEO.
As a gesture of support, the district administration extended financial aid for the funeral, and an additional ₹10 lakh will be provided to the family from the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund.