Breaking barriers

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It was time for Vishwakarma Puja. Akash stood in the middle of the captivating green, with the kite that he loved more than his life. The countryside sprawled in front of him. A sudden breeze gave him an indication. It struck his mind. Holding the string he tossed the kite into the sky with all his might. It seemed like he was the only one alive in the lush paddy fields.

On the other side of the barbed wire, it was a different world, literally. It was the neighbouring nation across the border.

He felt a chill run down his spine. Soon, his kite began to fly, soaring higher and higher up in the sky. The quinessetntial sound of “Vokatta” perplexed Akash.

Only Sagar came to see him with a competitive spirit. Soon, both their kites started hovering high up in the air. The glass-powdered chords seemed to cross each other. Both of them gave out a loud cry “Vokatta!”, which signified the chord of one kite being cut off by another. The kites flitted across the border, flying beyond the boundaries.

Kites didn’t abide by difference in territories. The wind took the kites, one into another nation, conveying a message of togetherness, of camaraderie.

Their silence, louder than words, hurt the hearts of those who protected the nation with arms: the BSFs and the BDRs. They understood the meaning of their silence even though it lasted for a very short time. It seemed that somebody had passed a charming sensation of friendship all of a sudden. They felt the moment, as the best one of their life.

The BDRs returned Akash’s kite, and the BSFs returned Sagar’s. They were overwhelmed with joy, with the realisation that kindness and true love existed till date. Neither of them could cross the border, nor one of them could take the kite from each another. They were of same language, the similar culture, feelings, but still a difference between them prevailed – their nationalities. But what didn’t exist was a barbed fence between their minds.

A string of wire could divide the territories of two nations, but couldn’t split the hearts and friendship of the people. The two little minds full of zeal and enthusiasm realised that something as trivial as kites could actually bridge the differences of caste, creed, religion and nationality.

(Coordinator, Class VIII, Bongaon High School)