Global technology integrator and managed services provider Dimension Data is enabling Vidya Mandir Society’s educational institution’s group of schools to leverage technology to transform its traditional education system into a smart education system. It has designed and implemented a digital infrastructure project that enables the institute to replace traditional rote learning with a meaningful, associative and active learning approach.
Vidya Mandir Society has set a clear technology roadmap to provide enhanced facilities to its students and staff in Birla High School, Sushila Birla Girls’ School and Birla High School (Mukundapur). They have introduced mobile tablets to foster Higher Order Thinking Skills in turn bolstering the objectives of inquirybased learning, associative skills, creative assimilation and communication. The new system has also reduced the time spent by teachers to assess assignments; where teachers can now have more time to focus on coaching students. VN Chaturvedi, secretary general, Vidya Mandir Society, spoke in details about the initiative. Excerpts:
Q) What are the basic problems of traditional education system?
Traditional education system is programmed more like for rote learning which is to make students eligible to pass exams. A major problem is that it is a system which lacks the applied experiment of lessons taught, leaving the students with no practical encounter with the real world.
Q) According to you what is the correct definition of smart education system?
A smart education system can never be a tailor-made solution which can be implemented by anyone under any circumstances. Each institution has their own set of policies, infrastructures and skilled faculties. We have tried to implement smart education system in form of traditional classroom teaching with the application of new age Internet in a large extent.
Q) How better use of technologies can ensure better quality of education?
Schools play a major role to shape the students to be employable with practical knowledge, an important system that Indian education system lacks considerably. In this fast moving world, it is of utmost importance to keep pace with the happenings and the advent of Internet has made that possible for us. Hence, better and positive use of technologies can definitely ensure better quality of education.
Q) Except modern technology what are the essential elements of future ready infrastructure?
To make the students future ready, along with modern technology we need an open mindset to accept the requirement of modifying the conventional teaching and learning system. Thus, besides online teaching, we have introduced application of Artificial Intelligence, just for the club activities so far
Q) Elaborate on the term “Higher order thinking skills”
Higher Order Thinking Skills is an application of intelligence in education. With the help of Dimension Data, a global technology company, we implemented a digital two way streaming method of education. In JD Birla High School, Sushila Birla Girls’ School and Birla High School (Mukundapur), students are exposed to a wide range of tablet education where each student is provided with a mobile tablet by the school which is used in the class hours for online teaching. Teachers using smart board deliver the lessons along with a real time monitoring process, making the students learn, understand, ask questions and analyse the subject. Even outside the school hours, students can clarify their doubts through online interaction with the faculties in specific class groups.
Q) How the gradual digitisation of education in various private schools is transforming the fate of modern Indian education system?
It is optimistic for the Indian education system as the private schools are finally understanding the significance of digital education. Using technology in a positive way will make the learners future ready, of course both in professional and in course of self development.
Q) Don’t you think this heavy dependence on technology must have some side effects?
Nothing should be overused. Necessity of teachers is undeniable; that can never fade away with the growth of technology. Whatever information is on the web, will surely require a knowledgeable person to explain.