Yesterday Katrina Kaif celebrated her 40th birthday. Ahead of her special day, the fan favourite couple, jetted off to an unrevealed location. Yesterday Vicky took to Instagram to wish his wife and shared photos, where he and Katrina can be seen by the sea. But now a new video is is going viral on the internet that shows a fan meeting Vicky on the same flight. She shared a the whole moment on her Instagram account.
Aakriti Rana the fan of Vicky Kaushal, who is also a social media influencer, was travelling in the same flight with the star, when she realised that Vicky Kaushal is also on the same flight as her, she couldn’t keep her excitement and tried to meet him but was not allowed by the flight crew. Afterwards, a flight attendant came to tell her that Vicky has called her to meet. She looks super happy as she posed with the actor.
Aakriti captioned the post, “Omg he is so sweet! When I gathered the courage to go talk to him, the air hostess sent me back and he made that sorry face. 15 mins later, the air hostess said,”he is calling you, come”. How nice of him! @vickykaushal09. I never fan girl anyone but his gesture made me do it