Actor Yash, beloved for his role in the ‘KGF’ franchise, celebrated his 39th birthday on January 8 with an intimate family getaway in Goa. His wife, Radhika Pandit, marked the occasion with a heartfelt Instagram post, sharing glimpses of their celebration.
In the photos, Yash is seen embracing Radhika Pandit as she clicks a selfie, exuding warmth and love. Another picture features the couple with their children, posing against the serene backdrop of a beach.
Radhika’s caption was a touching tribute: “To the best husband and dad – You are the unwavering ‘Rock’ for our children, the ‘King’ who rules my heart, and the ‘Star’ who always lights up our world. We love you.. Happy Birthday.”
But Yash didn’t just stop at personal celebrations; he delighted his fans with a surprise teaser from his upcoming film, ‘Toxic: A Fairy Tale for Grown-ups’. The 25-second clip, unveiled on Instagram, showcased Yash in a retro avatar, dressed in a crisp white suit and fedora, with a cigar in hand.
Making a grand entrance into a luxurious club, Yash’s presence commanded attention, oozing charisma and boldness.
The teaser, brimming with style and intrigue, left fans eagerly anticipating the film. A poster shared on his Instagram story featured the word “Unleashed,” further building excitement.
The film, directorial of Geetu Mohandas, is production of Venkat K. Narayana and Yash under the banners of KVN Productions and Monster Mind Creations.
Ahead of his birthday, Yash addressed his fans with a thoughtful message. On December 30, he urged them to celebrate responsibly, emphasizing safety and mindfulness.
In a note shared in Kannada and English, he requested fans to avoid extravagant festivities.