‘Sawaar Loon’ singer Monali Thakur was rushed to the hospital recently after experiencing severe difficulty breathing during a live performance in Cooch Behar, West Bengal, reportedly. The songstress was there to grace the Dinhata Festival in Cooch Behar on the evening of January 21. Concert-goers revealed Thakur appeared to be in distress and immediately halted her performance midway.
As per News 18, the singer’s team rushed her to Dinhata Sub-District Hospital after her health worsened. Her team quickly intervened and called for medical assistance. Soon, the ambulance arrived and took Thakur to a nearby hospital for treatment. Reportedly, the songstress is admitted to a private hospital in Cooch Behar and is currently undergoing treatment there. No updates on her health are available yet.
Earlier this month, the singer made headlines after she walked off the stage midway during a performance in Varanasi.
Subsequently, she addressed the harassment accusations by the event management team against her and her crew. Thakur noted how the management mistreated the vendors. “It is absolutely unacceptable to treat vendors poorly, cheat them of their hard-earned money, or con them in any way. Disrespecting and harassing those working behind the scenes- whether they are backstage crew, artist managers, or artist coordinators-is not the way forward.” She took to social media detailing the issue and attaching an apology from the organisers.
Moreover, in a video that went viral, she called out the management for poor infrastructure. She noted that the stage set-up caused the risk of an ankle injury. In the viral video, she says, “I am disheartened that my team and I were so excited to perform here. Let’s not talk about the infrastructure and its condition, as that is the management’s responsibility. Time and again, I’ve said that I could injure my ankle here. My dancers have been telling me to calm down, but everything was a mess.”
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