Filmmaker Shoojit Sircar, known for deft handling of social issues in his movies, has reacted on the bullying of 11-year-old boy from Tennesse and says it is harmful for children while growing up.
He says bullying has become a social disease.
“Middle-school bullies are becoming sickening and dangerous for growing up… It has become a social disease,” Sircar tweeted on Wednesday.
Middle school bullies are becoming sickening and dangerous for growing up.. It has become a social disease.
— Shoojit Sircar (@ShoojitSircar) December 13, 2017
The Piku director’s tweet comes after a viral video of a bullied 11-year-old middle-school boy named Keaton Jones from Tennessee, circulated on digital platforms. His mother posted a teary plea online.
Within days, celebrities including Justin Bieber, Gal Godot, LeBron James, Chris Evans, and Mark Ruffalo expressed support for and extended red-carpet invitations to Jones via Twitter.