The recent attack on Bollywood actor Saif Ali Khan in his Bandra abode has shocked everyone. Following this, the security around Saif and Kareena Kapoor was beefed up. Recently, videos surfaced online showing fence installation on the balcony of the actor’s abode. Apart from taking several security measures, the B-town couple has also requested the paparazzi not to click Taimur and Jeh for security reasons.
It is well known that Saif and Kareena’s sons are among the paparazzi’s favourites. Ever since Taimur’s birth, the shutterbugs have always followed him, bombarding the internet with the young child’s photos. Following the incident, Bebo and Saif are leaving no stone unturned to ensure that they and their children are safe. The couple has asked the paparazzi in Mumbai to not photograph their children Taimur and Jeh after the incident. They also requested the paparazzi to not crowd around their residence. This is because constant vigilance of the actors can be beneficial to those who are trying to track their movements.
Moreover, as per reports, a police constable is going to be with Saif Ali Khan throughout the day, for his security. The actor has also roped in actor Ronit Roy’s firm to step up his security.
For the unversed, Saif Ali Khan suffered six injuries during his scuffle with the intruder in his Mumbai abode. During the confrontation, the perpetrator stabbed the actor. A doctor from the hospital revealed that the actor suffered six injuries with one being very close to his spine. As per the FIR by Saif’s house staff, the thief was first seen in Jeh’s room. Upon confrontation, he demanded Rs 1 crore.
Following a lengthy manhunt, the Mumbai police arrested Mohammad Shariful Islam Shehzad in connection to the case. On Wednesday, the Bandra Court sent the accused to a 14-day judicial custody.
For more details, read: Saif Ali Khan attack: Accused sent to 14-day judicial custody