Netizens’ beloved Maddy has left them in awe with his weight transformation from a chubby director to an actor with a chiseled physique. When R Madhavan donned the director’s hat for the 2022 film – ‘Rocketry: The Nambi Effect’, a biopic on Indian rocket scientist Nambi Narayanan, he gained a lot of kilos. However, the actor went through a complete transformation as he shed most of the kilos within a period of just 21 days.
In a recent interview with Curly Tales, the ‘Rehna Hai Tere Dil Mein’ actor revealed his secret- it’s not grinding gym sessions or medications, but just a simple practice of mindful and regulated eating. The practice Maddy swears by is- intermittent fasting. During the conversation, Madhavan told Kamya Jani, “I only ate food that was good for my body. No exercise, No running, No surgery. No medication. Nothing.” The actor also shared a clipping from the interview on his X profile, highlighting his new take on diet, motivating his fans.
Intermittent fasting, heavy chewing of food 45-60 times( drink your food and chew your water) .. last meal at 6.45 pm .( only cooked food -nothing raw AT ALL post 3 pm ) .. early morning long walks and early night deep sleep( no screen time 90 min before bed) … plenty of fluids…
— Ranganathan Madhavan (@ActorMadhavan) July 18, 2024
Delving deep into his regimen, the ‘Shaitaan’ actor said that he takes his last meal by 6:45 pm, and his meals consist solely of cooked food, and the actor avoids anything raw post 3 pm. Maddy also emphasised the benefits of early morning long walks and early nights with deep sleep, and no screen time at least 90 minutes before going to bed.
During his weight loss journey, his diet was rich in fluids and green vegetables, focusing on foods that are easily metabolized and are healthy for the body, strictly avoiding anything processed. Madhavan also revealed that he practised heavy chewing and chewed each bite almost 45-60 times and said, “Drink your food and chew your water.”
On the work front, R Madhavan was last seen alongside Ajay Devgn in ‘Shaitaan.’ He is poised to deliver back-to-back releases with ‘Amriki Pandit,’ ‘Adhirshtasaali.’ ‘Test,’ ‘Shankara’ and ‘De De Pyaar De 2.’