Southern film actress Priyamani, who is set to enter wedlock with Mustufa Raj on August 23, says she has no plans of taking a break from work and will return to face the arc lights two days after her marriage.
Priya and Mustufa will have a registered marriage in Bengaluru followed by a reception.
“We opted for registered marriage because we are from different religions. It’s simpler if we register our marriage instead of going the traditional way. It was a decision taken with each other’s consent, and it was the right thing to do,” Priyamani said.
She says she will continue to work after marriage.
“In fact, I plan to return to work two days after my marriage. I’m not taking a break because I have two films lined up,” she said.
Her wedding reception will be a private ceremony.
She has been a part of films such as Rakhta Charithra 2, Golimaar, Ragada and Grandmaster.