Faced with stringent opposition from the Tamil Nadu unit of BJP over Tamil movie Mersal, the film production firm Sri Thenandal Films on Saturday said it is willing to remove those portions that have “created misunderstanding”.
In a statement issued here, the company said: “If some views that creates a misunderstanding need to be removed then we are ready for that.”
According to Sri Thenandal Films, in the BJP’s view their opposition to the movie is justified.
The BJP had demanded removal of comments critical of GST and Digital India in Mersal, that stars Vijay.
Clarifications regarding the controversial parts of the film have been given to the leaders of BJP and they have accepted the same, the statement said.
Earlier, DMK Working President M K Stalin criticised the BJP for demanding the cuts, saying its attempt to muzzle criticism was against democratic principles.
In a tweet, Stalin posted: “BJP’s attempt to muzzle criticism is contrary to democratic principles. The DMK always stands for freedom of speech & creative expression.”
Actor Kamal Haasan, who is nurturing political ambitions, in a tweet said: Mersal was certified. Dont re-censor it. Counter criticism with logical response. Don’t silence critics. India will shine when it speaks.”
Congress Vice President Rahul Gandhi also attacked Prime Minister Narendra Modi over the BJP’s demand for removal of dialogues critical of the GST from Mersal.
“Mr. Modi, Cinema is a deep expression of Tamil culture and language. Don’t try to demon-etise Tamil pride by interfering in Mersal,” Gandhi said in a tweet.