Tanushree Dutta’s accusations of sexual misconduct against veteran actor Nana Patekar has initiated a #MeToo movement in the Hindi film industry. While some celebrities have supported the 34-year-old actress for opening up about the incident, Nana Patekar too has earned backing of many.
Recently, BJP MP Udit Raj shared his views on the issue and termed the #MeToo movement in India a “wrong practice”.
On 9 October, Udit Raj took to Twitter and wrote in Hindi, “The #MeToo campaign is necessary but what is the meaning of accusing someone of sexual harassment after 10 years? After years how can it be possible to verify the facts of the events? It must also be considered that it can ruin the image of the person who has been accused. It is the beginning of a wrong practice.”
#MeToकैम्पेन जरूरी है लेकिन किसी व्यक्ति पर 10 साल बाद यौन शोषण का आरोप लगाने का क्या मतलब है ? इतने सालों बाद ऐसे मामले की सत्यता की जाँच कैसे हो सकेगा?जिस व्यक्ति पर झूठा आरोप लगा दिया जाएगा उसकी छवि का कितना बड़ा नुकशान होगा ये सोचने वाली बात है।गलत प्रथा की शुरुआत है।#MeToo
— Dr. Udit Raj, MP (@Dr_Uditraj) October 9, 2018
Previously, the Vidarbha Farm Widows Association staged a demonstration at Pandharkavada village, demanding an end to “the victimisation of Nana Patekar”.
Meanwhile, Tanushree Dutta has filed a police complaint against the actor for allegedly sexually harassing her on the sets of a film in 2008. On the other hand, Nana Patekar has sent a legal notice to the actress and denied the claims made against him.